Healthy Homemade Dog Treats

Healthy Homemade Dog Treats

It’s National Love Your Pet Day! Everyone who has a beloved furry friend, or fur-baby as I say, knows how special these animals can make your daily life. Leo, my husky puppy, is the first dog that I got on my own. He has been the best thing for me, in so many...
The Best Chicken Soup

The Best Chicken Soup

I have been struggling with a cold all week trying everything method I can think of to knock it out. Chicken soup is one of the oldest, most recommended methods for nasty colds like this one, but as someone who can’t stand canned soup, I decided to make my own....
Recipe: Parmesan Crusted Salmon

Recipe: Parmesan Crusted Salmon

Lately, I have been choosing cooking over eating out. While this is better for both my health and my wallet, I simply choose to cook nowadays because I enjoy being home more and like to try out new recipes. My most recent recipe is this Parmesan Crusted Salmon with...