Shes Sweet like Cherry Wine

A little blog & life update.. If you follow me on Instagram, you might have noticed that I’m switching up my blog. Along with the theme changing and my brand switching slightly, I am going to be transitioning my blog from strictly fashion-focused to a more creative lifestyle blog with fashion mixed in as inspiration. Think of Tori State of Mind now as a more sweet, lifestyle blog attempting to inspire a creative, daily life. Sweet like Cherry Wine. 

Blog Update

After running this blog for four years, I’ve fallen into a sort of slump. Fashion blogging has become so popular and mass-media focused now that I feel drowned out. Everyone’s posts start to sound, look and feel the same. Not at all what I had in mind or intended when I started Tori State of Mind. I started my blog during my senior year of high school as an online portfolio to showcase my creative work while I was applying to colleges. A lot of which were art schools that required a portfolio and I had always wanted to have a blog. So, I decided to mix the two and create a creative space where I could share what inspired me. Something that I sadly had drifted away from as I have gotten more immersed in to the main-stream “fashion blogging” culture. 

As a result of being a Fashion Merchandising student, I think three-quarters of my classmates run a “fashion blog” in some form. Whether that just be an Instagram page, a website or something else, I just couldn’t stand to see myself doing something so similar to everyone else around me. 

Whats to Come for Tori State of Mind

My blog will keep its name, Tori State of Mind, which still represents what I always intended for my blog. Inspirations, creativity and what is artistic to me. My “state of mind” if you will. However, what will be changing mostly is what I post. Instead of cookie-cutter outfit shots and descriptions of what I’m wearing, I will be aiming to more or less inspire you to go out and create a stylish look for yourself. Basing looks off of the trends I am showcasing, rather than pushing you to just buy exactly the pieces I have on my body in the shots. My photos will be more artful shots with a story running through. Each post will be different from the last, telling a different story, while all still remaining on-brand and true to me and my style.

Get Inspired

This look was inspired by a Hozier song, “Cherry Wine”, you can listen to a playlist I made on Spotify with similar music here.  It portrays a bohemian style while sitting in the grass and being surrounded by the outside. Truly embracing the lingering summer and trying hard to not let it go.

Fashion BlogLong Healthy Hair

Cherry WineLong Healthy HairCherry WineCherry Wine

“She’s sweet like Cherry Wine….”

What do you think of the new-ish Tori State of Mind? Leave me a comment below. I would love to know!



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