First things first, what is zero waste? Zero waste is the conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and recovery of products, packaging, and materials. In easier words, living life sustainably and smartly. This post will outline easy ways to jump start a zero waste life!

  1. Stop using single-use tissues. Opt for a reusable handkerchief or hankie instead. While you can still use this piece of fabric “once”, it is able to washed and reused time and time again. Eliminating hundreds if not thousands of tissues in the trash.
  2. Bring your bag. Shopping with a reusable tote or bag when going to the grocery store, mall or any other form of money-for-product exchange will help to lower the use of disposable plastic and paper shopping bags. Even if they are recyclable, the less used the better.
  3. Stop using dryer sheets, start using wool dryer balls. I like these ones!
  4. Create an “eat me first” bin in your refrigerator to help stay organized with what food is going to go bad first.
  5. I know you’ve heard this before. Switch to reusable water containers. Ditch single use plastic! This self-cleaning one is a great gift idea for the holidays and keeps your bottle hygienic. Fun fact: if you switch to reusable bottles you can save around 1460 plastic bottles.
  6. Shop locally. By avoiding prepackaged food you can save waste from the plastic wraps as well as support local economies and avoid shipping miles. Zero waste goes further than just ditching waste plastic, being mindful in your shopping and paying attention to the sources your food or produce comes from is essential as well. Check out your local markets!

Paying attention to easy ways to live a zero waste lifestyle can make larger steps in the fight against climate change than you might think. Simply opting for reusable options versus single use can save thousands of pounds of plastic in your life time and hundreds per year. Encourage your friends and family to join in the zero waste lifestyle by gifting some of my favorite durable and reusable options below.

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