If you are like me, and have to wake up early for work daily, you probably understand how some mornings just constantly end up in chaos. For my daily commute, I have to leave my apartment every day at 7:15 AM, to make it work a little before 8 AM. I generally like to give myself an hour or so to get up, get coffee, eat breakfast and get ready for the day. I have finally written down my five steps to a positive and calm, low-stress morning.

Stop Snoozing Your Alarm

Wake up 10 minutes earlier than you need to. I know, those are ten valuable sleep minutes. In reality, those ten minutes are not going to help you get through the day with any less caffeine. Its best to give yourself more padding on time. This helps keep the calm in the morning and avoid rushing out the door. If choosing an outfit takes a long time, pick it the night before.

Make a Routine

5 steps to a positive and calm morning

Making a routine, such as picking out your outfit for work the night before, can save time in the morning. It can also help you be more creative. Put together an outfit you really feel good in, rather than something you rushed to throw on. For some work-wear inspiration, click here to view an older post.

If you drink caffeine, make a cup first thing. In the mornings, I wake up, turn on the coffee, feed my dog and jump in the shower. After, I throw on my fuzzy robe and slipper set to get cozy and boom, my coffee is ready. I love being able to enjoyably drink my first cup of coffee as I’m doing my hair and makeup.

Learn What Aids You

Five Steps to a Positive and Calm Morning

CBD. Ok, what is CBD? CBD is a molecule found in the Hemp plant, and has become an increasingly popular ingredient in therapeutic oils and alternative medicines. The oil in CBD has been shown to effectively relieve pain, anxiety, depression and acne when used regularly. It is also now used among cancer patients, and has been shown to increase heart health. For more general CBD information, check out this link: https://hempluxe.com/?rfsn=2919040.3291

I have recently begun my daily CBD oil regiment. What I use is the Mandarin Orange Hemp Luxe CBD Oil. I add a few of the Extra-Strength drops into my morning coffee or smoothie. It has a great, subtle taste and has helped with my daily anxiety.  I have since been able to get myself off of my prescription anxiety / depression medicine, and only use my CBD oil. It is all natural, helps me sleep better and doesn’t have a bunch of side effects like my previous medication. Although, if this is something you are considering doing as well, consult your doctor first. 

Get Your Own CBD

If you are interested in trying CBD for yourself, and want to support Tori State of Mind, take 15% off a Hemp Luxe order with code TORI15. *

Make it a Positive, Calm Morning

My favorite step for a positive, calm morning is to do something you enjoy each morning. Every morning, to start off positively, I take about 5 minutes to do something I enjoy before leaving for work. Some days, that is playing with my puppy, Leo a little longer. Other days, its touching up my nails or cleaning my kitchen (yes, I enjoy cleaning). Writing in a journal, or even at times, it might just be sitting down for a few minutes and scrolling through social media on my phone while in my cozy slippers and robe. Investing in a high-quality comfortable robe and slippers has honestly brought me so much joy and happiness when I am lounging around, I do not regret spending a little more, at all. Taking a few minutes to yourself every morning helps to increase your mood and start a happy, positive day. 

Don’t Forget to Eat

Eat a healthy breakfast. As we all know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and having a healthy one can greatly help. While eating might not seem like one of the five steps for a positive and calm morning creating task, its one less stop on the way to work. I recently am on an Overnight Oats break fast kick, and have been making them every night before bed. Its 0 prep time in the morning, I simply open the fridge and eat, and they keep me full until lunch.

Overnight Oats

Combine the following in a mason jar or Tupperware container.

– 1/2 Cup of Old Fashioned Oats

– 1 Teaspoon of Chia Seeds 

– 1 Tablespoon of Honey               

– 1/4 Cup of Dried Fruits / Nuts               

– 1/2 Milk, I use Vanilla Soy Milk 

Pop into the fridge overnight and top it off with granola or cinnamon in the morning for a super easy, quick and delicious breakfast you could even eat at work, if needed! Below is a shop-able image carousel with products I use almost every morning, including a set of 12 mason jars for only $10.99. 

Do you have any helpful steps for a calm, positive morning? Leave me a comment below! I would love to hear your feedback!



*The affiliation between Hemp Luxe and Tori State of Mind in no way changes my opinion or views about the Hemp Luxe CBD Oil product. All opinions, reviews and testimonies are my own, and are not endorsed from Hemp Luxe or any other company. Consult or ask a doctor before switching from a prescription to CBD regiment. Commission from each sale made with the “TORI15” code does not affect the sale price, or cost anything additional to the consumer. Compensation from the affiliate commission does not affect the testimonial. 

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